Lady Converses with Her Supervisor via Video Conference as Her Irritated Spouse Interrupts

Emily focused on her computer screen, wrapping up a crucial discussion with her managers at the office. Her tension was palpable, not due to the call, but because Mark was nearing the tidy, welcoming workspace she used for her video conferences.

“You’re doing great, Emily,” Mr. Thompson complimented.

Emily would have beamed her brightest smile, yet the sound of Mark’s approaching steps made her tense; he was almost there. She felt trapped, like an animal with no escape.


Mark forcefully set his drink on the notepad she was using for notes, encroaching into her personal space and the view of her laptop’s camera. Emily recoiled from him.

“What’s this?” Mark demanded. “Where’s my dinner?”

“I’m terribly sorry,” Emily apologized to her managers before responding to Mark, “I’m just finishing my call, dear.”

As she saw her managers, Sarah and Mr. Thompson, exchange puzzled looks, Emily hoped she could still salvage the situation. If she could find the right words or the right glance at Mark (once she mustered the courage), perhaps he would leave, and she could explain away the incident.

“Dear, I’m starving,” Mark insisted. “You wouldn’t want to upset your husband, right?”

His voice was smooth yet filled with menacing undertones that Emily knew he was prepared to act upon. She finally faced him, addressing him as though he were anyone else, not the threatening presence he was.

“Just a few more minutes, please?” Emily pleaded. “I’m discussing something important with my managers. We’ll be done soon.”

She turned back squarely to her computer, but Mark wasn’t finished yet.

“Managers?” He scoffed, reaching to sway her chair. “Alright, time to wrap up,” he said, jostling her slightly. “You know what happens when you overwork.”

Indeed, Emily was all too aware of the consequences Mark imposed for her ‘overworking.’ She maintained a smile for her screen, even as fear took hold. A part of her felt like it was breaking away.

Emily let Mark steer her away from what could have been her career’s most crucial meeting because she felt powerless to resist. As she headed to the kitchen, a familiar despair enveloped her.

“And make sure dinner’s ready in fifteen minutes,” Mark called out after her.

“Sure, dear,” Emily responded mechanically, her automatic responses taking over.

“I’ll speak to your managers myself,” Mark declared.

Mr. Thompson, one of Emily’s managers, addressed him directly. “Mark, Emily is vital for tomorrow’s meeting. It’s essential she’s there, do you understand?” he stated emphatically.

Mark’s confidence wavered slightly. “Yeah, yeah, of course,” he brushed it off.

As Emily attended to Mark’s demands, he stayed on the call, his intrusive behavior casting a shadow over the professionalism of the discussion.

Later in the sanctuary of her kitchen, with dinner remains strewn about, Emily washed the dishes, the clinking noise filling the space as she reflected on her situation. How had things reached this point? Her career was at risk because of her spouse.

As she cleaned, her thoughts circled back to her situation. She had dedicated so much to her career…

She polished a glass, seeing in its clarity the turmoil she felt inside. Where was the boundary? Why did she remain?

The dishes finally sparkled, but Emily’s inner turmoil persisted, unresolved and heavy.

The next day, Mr. Thompson tried to keep things professional, apologizing to the stakeholders. “Sorry for the wait. Emily will join us shortly. Thank you for your patience.”

Mr. Black, a calm investor, nodded understandingly. “We’ll wait. We’re keen to hear from Emily,” he assured, glancing toward the door.

Emily hurried in, breathing heavily. Her resolve was evident, though underlined by visible fatigue. “Thank you for waiting. I apologize,” she said, breathless.

Before she could gather her thoughts, Mark burst into the room. “What’s all the fuss? Mind if I sit in?” he interjected, his smirk evident as he looked around.

He walked up to Mr. Black, eyeing the watch on his wrist. “Nice watch. How much did it set you back?” he inquired, either ignoring or oblivious to the stunned and puzzled expressions around him.

The investors exchanged bewildered looks as Mark continued, unrepentantly. “Money speaks, right? Let’s proceed,” he announced.

Emily attempted to control him. “Mark, not now, please,” she begged, perspiration visible on her brow.

Mr. Thompson quickly pulled Sarah aside, out in the corridor where Mark lingered, his presence unsettling. “We need to manage this,” he whispered urgently before addressing Mark. “How about a tour of our facility? We can show you around while Emily leads the meeting.”

Mark’s smirk widened. “Sure thing, boss,” he mocked, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Mr. Thompson led Mark away. “Sarah will guide you,” he said, turning to her with a strained smile.

Sarah agreed, though reluctantly. “Of course, Mark. Let’s start with the main office,” she proposed, maintaining a façade of normalcy. Mr. Thompson rejoined the meeting, leaving Mark with a different expression.

Sarah quickly noticed the change but had to maintain appearances. The meeting’s success was paramount. “Lead the way, lady,” Mark commanded, his tone cutting. “Just do as your boss instructed. Make sure everything goes smoothly, darling.”

Emily struggled to keep her professional demeanor amidst the stress. She addressed the investors, trying to focus attention back on the presentation. “Apologies for the interruption,” she started, pointing to the projection.

But as she tried to proceed, exhaustion overcame her. She faltered, her surroundings spinning as she collapsed onto the meeting room floor.

“Get her some water,” Mr. Black ordered, concern in his voice. The room buzzed with worried murmurs.

Mr. Thompson lost his composure. “This is unacceptable!” he exclaimed, his irritation obvious as he admonished Emily. “Get up, Emily! We must continue!”

“She needs assistance,” Mr. Black countered, frowning at Mr. Thompson. Mr. Carter helped Emily to a chair, but the tension was cut by a video call tone from Mr. Thompson’s private office. He hesitated but took the call. “What is going on?” he inquired, his anger briefly replaced by shock.

The screen revealed Mark’s domineering figure near Claire, who appeared distressed, trying to remove his hands from her.

The investors stood in shock, demanding action and security, but it was Emily who acted decisively despite her earlier weakness. “I have to stop this,” she stated, lifting her chin.

This has escalated too far, Emily thought, her concern for Claire’s safety overriding her own condition. The investors rallied behind her.

“What’s happening?” Mr. Thompson called from behind, out of touch. “We should return to the meeting!”

“Mark, back off!” Emily’s stern voice sliced through the tension as she entered Mr. Thompson’s office. Mr. Black and Mr. Carter followed swiftly.

Mark stood there, his hands now at his sides, subdued by the scrutiny. “I didn’t do anything!”

“You’ve crossed the line this time!” Emily’s voice filled the office, her gaze fiercely set on her husband.

Mr. Black and Mr. Carter quickly intervened, restraining Mark until security arrived. Mark protested loudly as he was led away. “I haven’t done anything wrong! They all want me! Especially her!” He pointed accusingly at Emily, his face twisted in a sneer.

“Enough, Mark!” Emily’s voice was clear and resolute. “You’ve done enough. This is over.”

Once Mark was out of hearing range, Emily saw Mr. Thompson’s furious expression. His face was nearly steaming. “This is a disgrace! You both have ruined everything! You—” His rant was cut short as Mr. Black and Mr. Carter stepped in.

“Mr. Thompson, that’s enough!” Mr. Black’s voice was stern, his hand raised to halt him. “Your lack of leadership worsened this situation.”

“Exactly,” Mr. Carter added, his gaze firm. “Emily and Claire did their best to salvage the meeting despite your negligence. This is your fault, not theirs.”

Mr. Thompson, fuming, glared at the investors. “How dare you meddle in my business!”

Mr. Black remained calm. “This isn’t how you treat your employees. We appreciate their dedication and professionalism, which you’ve overlooked.”

“Moreover,” Mr. Carter stated firmly, “they’re too valuable to work under you. We’re offering Emily and Claire positions at our investment company. They deserve better.”

Flustered, Mr. Thompson stormed out of the office. In his absence, the investors focused on Emily and Claire, praising their resilience and extending them opportunities in a more supportive and appreciative work environment.

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